
Our organ was built in 1909 by the Hutchings Organ Company of Boston MA.

The instrument was installed in the gallery with a neo-gothic façade and has three manuals and pedal with 36 stops and electro-pneumatic action.

Choir Organ (Manual I)
8’ Diapason                    4’ Rohr Flute
8’ Melodia                      2’ Piccolo
8’ Dulciana                     8’ Clarinet
8’ Unda Maris (TC)        Tremolo

Great Organ (Manual II)
8’ Diapason                    4’ Octave
8’ Bourdon                     4’ Harmonic Flute
8’ Gamba                       8’ Trumpet
8’ Gemshorn

Swell Organ (Manual III)
16’ Bourdon                   2 2/3’ Nazard
8’ Diapason                    2’ Octave
8’ Stopped Diapason      Mixture III
8’ Viole d’Orchestra       8’ Cornopean
8’ Voix Celestis (TC)     8’ Oboe
4’ Principal                    8’ Vox Humana
4’ Traverse Flute           Tremolo

Pedal Organ
16’ Open Wood             8’ Dolce Flute (from Bourdon)
16’ Violone                   8’ Cello (from Violone)
16’ Bourdon                 4’ Bourdon (from Violone)
8’ Bass Flute (from Open Wood)

In Preparation:
Solid State Combination Action with 100 levels