Throughout the year, Trinity offers a variety of adult education opportunities that include adult forums and Bible studies. Upcoming events are posted on our website as they occur. We also have regular classes for new members as needed. At this point, fall opportunities are likely to be on-line.
Past topics have included:
- Book discussion: How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
- Prison Abolishment in the Season of Advent: Workshop and Discussion
- Letters to an Urban Church: First-Century Biblical Letters Written for Urban Churches, Then and Now
- Martin Luther and Martin Luther King
- Psalms: A Prayerbook of the Church
- Hidden Stories of Holy Week
- Biblical Texts of Welcome
Guest speakers have included:
- Mark Harding: “More than a Dream: The Civil Rights Movement and the Politics of Change”
Black New York and the Creation of American Culture: A Historical Survey over 2 and a Half Centuries - Sally MacNichol and Karri Whipple on Intimate Violence and Christian Theology
- Larry Rasmussen on Earth Ethics