Celebration of Holy Communion
All ages are welcome to worship in a service that embraces the diversity of our congregation. Music ranges from the classical to gospel, ancient and new. We are blessed with a talented, volunteer choir that is always open for new singers. Everyone is encouraged to share their own creative artistic and instrumental gifts as we worship our Creator. Worship lasts about one hour, followed by food and fellowship.
Presently, we are worshipping on-line every Sunday at 11am and the service remains up afterwards. There are two options to join in: https://www.facebook.com/TLCofNYC/live/ OR YouTube at: http://tinyurl.com/TLCofNYCYouTube.
Bilingual Worship
Because we seek to be one congregation with more than one language, we gather for bilingual worship on occasions which include Christmas Eve, Three Kings (Epiphany), Pentecost and Palm Sunday.
For Trinity, “bilingual” usually means English and Spanish, however on Christmas Eve we offer an afternoon children’s service in English and German as well as an evening service in English and Spanish.